
Officials prepare to recover the landing module of the Chang’e-6 moon probe after it landed in Inner Mongolia, in northern China on June 25, 2024. (-/AFP via Getty Images) (NEW YORK) — China’s Chang’e-6 lunar lander returned to Earth this week with the first-ever rock and soil samples collected from the far side of the […]

Matt Anderson Photography/Getty Images (HONG KONG) — The view from China on Wednesday’s meeting between President Xi Jinping and President Joe Biden is somewhat upbeat, despite signs that the bar for success is low and the meeting is broadly seen as only another chance to install “guard rails” to prevent relations from sliding even further. […]

Soltan Frédéric/Getty Images (MOSCOW) — As Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived on Monday afternoon in Moscow, he was greeted at Vnukovo airport by a Russian military band, but not Russian President Vladimir Putin. “I am very glad, at the invitation of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, to come back to the land of our close neighbor […]

Ju Peng/Xinhua via Getty Images (MOSCOW) — Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Moscow on Monday to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin will be a significant moment, punching a hole in the international isolation that’s surrounded Putin since the start of his invasion of Ukraine and signaling China now sees far less need to publicly […]

Rainer Puster / EyeEm/Getty Images (NEW YORK) — On the sidelines of China’s annual National People’s Congress this week, both Chinese President Xi Jinping and newly promoted Foreign Minister Qin Gang aired their respective frustrations at the United States. In a closed-door session with delegates from China’s private sector Monday, Xi made a rare direct […]

Rainer Puster / EyeEm/Getty Images (NEW YORK) — Since the relaxation of its “zero COVID” restrictions earlier this month in the wake of unprecedented nationwide protests, China is facing its largest outbreak of the pandemic. At the same time, mass testing has been dropped as Chinese authorities changed their criteria in counting cases and COVID-19 […]

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